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our services
Together with our clients we address strategic, functional and cross-functional issues. We provide structural solutions, enhance single business processes and optimise their interfaces within innovation management and product development.
Our clients appoint us as strategy or process consultants – depending on the task. In addition we also take on operational responsibility as interim managers.
- Competitive Strategies
- R&D
- Quality
- Innovation Management
- Cost Engineering
- Process Optimization
- Project Management
- Agile Project Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Product/Market Strategy
- Business Model Development
Our clients are leading medium-sized businesses and large-scale enterprises mainly from the sectors:
- Automotive
- Mechanical and Plant Engineering
- Medical Engineering / Life Science
- Renewable Energies
- E-Mobility
We work for our clients in sectors where we have gained operational experience in our own industrial careers – we therefore are familiar with the characteristics and rules in the these sectors. Beyond that we are also able to carry over best practices to other sectors
In the sectors we work in we also get assignments from investors – such as banks, private equity or venture capital companies:
To prepare acquisitions or sales, we conduct commercial and technical due diligences where we analyse the positioning in the competitive environment, validate business plans and assess operational strength
In critical situations we compile a forecast for business continuation and derive measures for turnaround
In phases of turnaround we take on operational responsibility to successfully master the critical situation